Local Actions to promote the European Arthouse Cinema Day
Local actions enrich the cinema experience. Arthouse cinemas can make use of their space, whether it is outside, inside the foyer or theatre. Let's explore some inspiring ideas for local actions that arthouse cinemas can undertake to make this day truly unforgettable.
“ Because at the heart of the eventisation is a love of films and a clear strategy to leverage attention for spectacle and more mainstream film into appreciation and audiences for smaller and more niche films. ”
The Future Comes Into Focus at Cinema Vision 2030, Celluloid Junkie (2023)
About the European Arthouse Cinema Day
The CICAE organises the European Arthouse Cinema Day, in association with the Europa Cinemas network and co-funded by Creative Europe's MEDIA programme. Since 2016 more than 700 cinemas in over 40 countries have participated in the event, offering magnificent programming including previews, films for young audiences, and classics from the history of European cinema.
Prepare your space: Enrich the experience
Events like the European Arthouse Cinema Day begin before even entering the cinema space. Make sure to use posters and decorations to create an atmosphere from the moment visitors step into the foyer.
This is not only important for the immediate experience, but also makes the space more sharable for social media. Anything that is offered should ecourage audiences to spread the word (or the posts) about their cinema visit.
These ideas can enrich the experience:
- Music: Concerts of local and European bands can be organized.
- Lights: Design interactive installations that allow attendees to step into the world of arthouse films.
- Photospots: Invite guests to take pictures of the event.
- Welcome drink or after-film parties.
- Transform your cinema's café or lobby into a cozy discussion space.
- Greet visitors personally: This ensures that moviegoers develop a strong connection to the cinema.
Educate: Offer side events
Transforming your cinema's foyer to a discussion space, making use of your extra rooms or the theatre offers room to host workshops or masterclasses as well. Educate the audience about cinema, the world of filmmaking and more allows participants to gain a deeper appreciation for the arthouse cinema.
- Topics could range from scriptwriting and cinematography to film editing and sound design.
- Invite film talents and experts to give a workshop or masterclass about their work or a concrete cinematic theme.
- Presentations, Q&A's and readings can create an interesting insight - possibly followed up by a quiz everyone can participate in.

Enhance your audience: Stream online
For those who can't attend in person offer virtual cinema experiences that allow people to stream your local actions online.
Create a virtual hub where audiences can engage in discussions, attend virtual Q&A sessions, and explore curated content. Livestreams can be easily set up trough Social Media platforms as well, such as Instagram, Facebook or YouTube.
Finally, it is not only it is possible to stream events outside of the theatre, but also to collaborate with other cinemas and share words of greetings on the big screen. You can also contribute from the joint action Matchmaking created by the CICAE to find a cinema to partner up with.
Create sharable experiences: Think visually
To create even more awareness around the European Arthouse Cinema Day, it is important to plan the event to be shared by the attendees on relevant platforms like Instagram. User-generated content originates from an independent source and increases social proof (Forbes, 2023)
Photobooths, photo spots and inviting still images on the screen while entering the theatre can encourage people to capture the moment and share it online.

Alamo Drafthouse Cinema created an "instagramable" backdrop promoting the Barbie movie. Movie-goers started to take and share pictures immediately and increased social proof of the movie and the cinema.
Create memorable local experiences
In essence, the European Arthouse Cinema Day is about creating memorable local cinema experiences. Enhance your space, offer workshops, and provide virtual options. Make it visually shareable on platforms like Instagram to celebrate cinema's artistry and foster a passionate film community. It's a unique opportunity for cinemas to shine and share their love for movies.

Valentin Jassin CICAE
Valentin is administrative and finance assistant at the CICAE since April 2022. He is also the French referent of the team and thus participates in our relationships with our French-speaking correspondents.Educated in cinema in Paris between the rue Champollion and the big networks, he worked as a projectionist in many cinemas and was trained in arthouse cinema management in Lyon through a master’s degree at the university and in the Cinémas Lumière. more from the author